Pollius Arquitetura

Identidade Visual, Estratégia de Marca e Posicionamento

a living room with a green couch and a green couch
a living room with a green couch and a green couch
a color scheme of a color scheme of a green and brown
a color scheme of a color scheme of a green and brown
a display of a booth booth with a table and chairs
a display of a booth booth with a table and chairs
a white and black picture of a building with a window
a white and black picture of a building with a window
a logo for a company that is selling a new business
a logo for a company that is selling a new business
a number of different types of letters and numbers
a number of different types of letters and numbers
a coffee mug with a cup of coffee and a mug of coffee
a coffee mug with a cup of coffee and a mug of coffee
a logo for a company called polius
a logo for a company called polius
a couple of people standing in front of a house
a couple of people standing in front of a house
a man in a suit and tie with a green background
a man in a suit and tie with a green background
a business card with a green envelope and a green envelope
a business card with a green envelope and a green envelope
a billboard board with a woman in a green dress
a billboard board with a woman in a green dress
a man in a hard hat and a hat with a hard hat on it
a man in a hard hat and a hat with a hard hat on it
a man in a blue shirt is looking at his phone
a man in a blue shirt is looking at his phone

Pollius Arquitetura é um escritório de arquitetura voltado à construção de edifícios residenciais e comerciais. O escritório tem raízes na arquitetura clássica, principalmente influências da Grécia e Roma antiga, ao mesmo tempo em que segue tendências modernas da área.

A inspiração do nome da marca vem de Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, arquiteto romano que inaugurou a base da arquitetura clássica. Por conta do peso desse nome, o desafio foi criar uma marca que unisse o clássico ao moderno, deixando clara suas raízes na cultura greco-romana enquanto abraça o novo sem perder a sua identidade.

É uma marca moderna, clássica, séria, forte e madura, um conceito que transmite leveza e força, e mostra que a dualidade é capaz de criar significados únicos.

O símbolo

Os padrões de proporções e os princípios conceituais da obra de Marcus Vitruvius Pollio: "utilitas" (utilidade), "venustas" (beleza) e "firmitas" (solidez) inauguraram a base da arquitetura clássica e ainda são utilizados nos dias de hoje.

Com base nisso, criamos o símbolo utilizando linhas verticais remetendo a clássica coluna grega, junto a linhas retas que simbolizam ângulos e formam a inicial da marca.

a shirted shirt with a collared shirt and a collared shirt
a shirted shirt with a collared shirt and a collared shirt
a photo of a badge badge on a lanyard
a photo of a badge badge on a lanyard
a man in a green shirt and a green and gold striped shirt
a man in a green shirt and a green and gold striped shirt
a coffee cup with a cup of coffee and a cup of coffee
a coffee cup with a cup of coffee and a cup of coffee
a billboard boarder with a woman in a hat
a billboard boarder with a woman in a hat
a magazine with a magazine cover and a magazine
a magazine with a magazine cover and a magazine
a helmeted man in a hard hat with a pen and a pen
a helmeted man in a hard hat with a pen and a pen
a man in a green shirt and a green couch
a man in a green shirt and a green couch
a flag with the word polius on it
a flag with the word polius on it
a billboard board with a man and woman in front of a building
a billboard board with a man and woman in front of a building

Projeto de Criação para Arquitetura Clássica: Criando a Identidade Visual Ideal

Vamos criar a sua marca juntos?

Responda algumas perguntas pra gente entender melhor as suas necessidades, e então, a gente entra em contato com você.